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Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection Korin Faught’s Sensation Antique Silverburst w/case

Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection Korin Faught’s Sensation Antique Silverburst w/case

Regular price ¥196,700
Regular price ¥196,700 Sale price ¥196,700
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The Epiphone Adam Jones Art Collection consists of seven Silverburst Les Paul TM Custom models, each featuring reproductions of different works of fine art on the back. Adam curated the featured artwork, and additional artwork, designed by artist Korin Faught, adorns the back of the headstock of each model. Five distinguished artists are featured in the collection, and only 800 guitars of each model will be produced. This unprecedented limited-edition collection brings Adam's love of art and music together. This model from the Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection features Korin Faught's "Sensation" on the back. It is also an exceptional instrument for your next musical masterpiece. It has a bound mahogany body with a maple cap, a three-piece bound maple neck with an Adam Jones Custom profile, and an ebony fretboard. It is equipped with a reverse-mounted Epiphone ProBucker TM Custom humbucker TM in the neck position and a Seymour Duncan@ Distortion in the bridge; both are wired to CTS@ potentiometers and Orange Drop@ capacitors. A Marquee Back Plate with the artist's name and the name of the artwork is also included. Finished in Antique Silverburst as an homage to Adam's beloved original Silverbust 1979 Gibson@ Les Paul Custom, a Protector hardshell case is also

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